Flexible, Fun,
Faith-Centered Childcare

Our WeeCare Mornings program offers a safe and enriching environment for children ages 3-4 on Tuesday & Thursday mornings. WeeCare Mornings gives parents a chance to engage in life’s daily task while their younger children are safe in the care of our staff. As a ministry of Journey Church MB, your child will enjoy a morning of play and discovering God’s Grace!


Program Highlights:

  • Ages 3-4 only
  • Tuesdays & Thursdays Only
  • 8:30am – 12:00am
  • Snack & drinks included
  • Flexible & Affordable

Please note the following policies: 

  • Your child MUST be 3yo or 4yo, this will be verified by birth certificate. 
  • Your child MUST be potty trained, no pull-ups or diapers allowed.
  • LIMITED AVAILABILITY, only 10 spots per group (20 total) available!

Drop-off & Pick-up

WeeCare Mornings begins at 8:25am
Please do not arrive earlier, as we are prepping for the day.

WeeCare Mornings ends at 12:00pm – 12:05pm

Pick-ups later than 12:05pm will be charged $1 per minute.


Daily Drop-in Rate: 
  • $40/day (refundable before 5pm day before)

*Discounted package rates available

Daily Schedule

Below you’ll find a daily schedule outline that we loosely follow. We currently operate only on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

  • 8:30 – 9:00 – Check-in and Welcome Time
  • 9:00 – 10:15 – Morning Stories & Learning
  • 10:15 – 10:45 – Snack
  • 10:45 – 11:30 – Playground Time and Free Play
  • 11:30 – 12:00 – Clean up and Checks
  • 12:00 – 12:05 – Dismissal

Supplies List

Below you’ll find a list of supplies your child will need each day. 

  • A backpack 
  • A Reusable cup for drinks 
  • An apron for crafts and messy activities
  • A change of clothes (just in-case) 

Register Today!

Click on a date below to reserve a spot for your child. 

Sick Policy

Please always use your best judgment and DO NOT bring your sick or contagious child to WeeCare Mornings. 

We will do everything to ensure your child’s health and safety while they are in our care. Please always keep your phone nearby and on in case we may need to contact you. 

Injury/Accident/Bite Policy

If your child is hurt in any way, we will make the decision to call or wait until pick-up based on the severity. If it is not severe you will be given an ouch report and verbal briefing at pick-up.

If the incident involves another child then all parents will be informed.

If your child does hurt another child purposeful ot in any way, you will be notified immediately. There are 2 grace incidents given to every child. Upon the 3rd incident, you will need to meet with Program Director to discuss steps for your child to remain in the WeeCare Program. 

Safety & Security

Journey Church MB is ALWAYS dedicated to and ensures the safety of your child. We have an extensive security and monitoring system in place campus wide. In addition, our Church Executive Staff undergo regular safety training and are always on site, fully licensed, and armed. Please note that a major part of being a secure facility is not detailing all of the measures taken regarding safety. If you need more info to feel sure, our Program Director and Church Executive Staff are on-hand to help reassure you. 

All of your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.

Let’s Invest in Our Future Together!

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”